latest news


Version 1.1.0 Released

- Fixed problem with long wait on open

- German converison

- More accurate conversion

- Allow custom conversions in native language


Version 1.0.9 Released

- Enhanced fractional conversions

- Conversion accuracy increased

- Minor bug fixes


Version 1.0.8 Released

- Fractional Conversions


Version 1.0.7 Released


Version 1.0.6 Released

- Currency conversion

- Latest Version notificatons


And of Course


JConvert is an open source project developed in Java that converts various units of measure. JConvert is free software that you are free to download and use. JConvert has two interfaces. The first is a friendly user gui that will allow you to select from a series of conversion categories. Within these categories, there are individual units where you can select the unit you wish to convert from and to. At the bottom of the screen you can enter the value you want to convert and the result is instantly provided. It is simple to use and installation isn't really installation at all. Open it as you would a simple image when it is double clicked on, it will automatically open. If you are running windows, there will be no installation procedures, no registry entries, no additional files other than the one you download. If you delete it, it is gone. So why not try it out!
Note:While I do not think this impacts the simplicity of "uninstalling" JConvert, please note that newer versions of JConvert will create the following files in the same directory you are running from: and convert_custom.dat. These files are used to store custom settings on your computer so that the next time you open JConvert, your settings are restored.

The second "interface" is basically the aplication programing interface or API. For Java developers, you know what I am talking about. Simply place this ~100k jar in your classpath and voila, you have access to the api. While this jar does not depend on log4j, if you have log4j in your classpath, it will use it. Just make sure that you have defined your file in the classpath.

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