Interface CustomConversionDataInterface

All Known Implementing Classes:
CustomConversionCurrency, CustomConversionCurrency2, CustomConversionImpl

public interface CustomConversionDataInterface

This interface needs to be implemented if you are to tie in your own custom conversion code into JConvert. JConvert will ask as series of questions of the class implementing this interface. It will ask you for your conversion data and the time it was last updated. It will also attempt to register itself with you as a listener. This is handy if you have a thread running in the background that updates data periodically. When you get this data you can fire an event off to the listener, prompting it to get the new data.

Ed Sarrazin Created on Oct 26, 2007 6:35:19 AM

Method Summary
 void addDataUpdatedListener(CustomDataUpdatedListener listener)
          Adds a listener for so that you can inform others to call getConversions() because there is an update
 ConversionType getConversions()
          This method will do what it needs to do to go out, read, etcetera the information it has to return ConversionType that if fully populated with the custom conversions
 java.util.Date getLastUpdated()
          The internal mechanisms in the implementing class are unknown, but depending on how it works, this method should always return the date that this data is accurate to.

Method Detail


public ConversionType getConversions()
This method will do what it needs to do to go out, read, etcetera the information it has to return ConversionType that if fully populated with the custom conversions

ConversionType fully populated with the appropriate data


public java.util.Date getLastUpdated()
The internal mechanisms in the implementing class are unknown, but depending on how it works, this method should always return the date that this data is accurate to. For instance, if it is hard coded data, you may want to return the current date every time. If you are caching data from a website, you will want to store the last date that the data was pulled and return it here.

Date of the last update.


public void addDataUpdatedListener(CustomDataUpdatedListener listener)
Adds a listener for so that you can inform others to call getConversions() because there is an update

listener -

JConvert - opensource project by Ed Sarrazin