Class CustomConversionCurrency2

  extended bycom.edsdev.jconvert.common.CustomConversionImpl
      extended bycom.edsdev.jconvert.common.CustomConversionCurrency2
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CustomConversionCurrency2
extends CustomConversionImpl
implements CustomConversionDataInterface

This class implements the CustomConversionDataInterface and is responsible for gathering custom conversions. In particular, this class will download the latest currency conversions from an external website. Use this class as an example if you want to create your own interface to the application.

Ed Sarrazin Created on Nov 2, 2007 4:00:57 PM

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 ConversionType getConversions()
          This method will do what it needs to do to go out, read, etcetera the information it has to return ConversionType that if fully populated with the custom conversions
Methods inherited from class com.edsdev.jconvert.common.CustomConversionImpl
addDataUpdatedListener, fireDataUpdatedEvent, getLastUpdated, getNextPlainData, htmlToUnicode, setLastUpdated
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.edsdev.jconvert.common.CustomConversionDataInterface
addDataUpdatedListener, getLastUpdated

Constructor Detail


public CustomConversionCurrency2()
Method Detail


public ConversionType getConversions()
Description copied from interface: CustomConversionDataInterface
This method will do what it needs to do to go out, read, etcetera the information it has to return ConversionType that if fully populated with the custom conversions

Specified by:
getConversions in interface CustomConversionDataInterface
ConversionType fully populated with the appropriate data

JConvert - opensource project by Ed Sarrazin